WOPs in the Water Action Decade: Turning the tide on Capacity Development to achieve SDG6
On 17 May the GWOPA/UN-Habitat and Cap-Net UNDP co-hosted the Expert Roundtable on “Turning the tide on Capacity Development – How to move from individual interventions to systemic capacity strengthening?” as part of the Water Dialogues for Results, Bonn 2021.
Under the slogan “Accelerating cross-sectoral SDG 6 implementation”, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), on behalf of the German Federal Government, and together with other UN Member States, participants from Major Groups and international organisations, are developing political messages to feed into the global discussion on SDG 6.
The conversation dived in to three questions with the objective of jointly develop policy messages that formulate political priorities for cross-sectoral SDG6 implementation. The political messages will be officially submitted into the further preparation process towards the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the International Water Action Decade in 2023.
Various experts of the Roundtable affirmed that the Water Operators’ Partnerships (WOPs) approach has demonstrated results in building supporting bonds of solidarity and confidence among staff and improving performances of the respective utilities.
On 1 July 2021, the results of the international water dialogues will be presented in form of a High-Level Conference on SDG 6 in Bonn, as part of the official preparatory process for the Mid-term Review of the UN Water Action Decade in 2023. GWOPA/UN-Habitat will join the ministerial panel to deliver the key insights gathered from its consultation and present how operator partnerships boost capacity development around the world.
Register and join the High level conference on 1 July here.