Climate change is one of the defining challenges of our day and has been on the international agenda for decades. More intense and frequent extreme weather events have resulted in a higher incidence of floods and seasonal droughts all over the world. These occurrences will put water and sanitation utilities and their services at real risk.
As such, utilities need to increase their resilience to its impacts to maintain and improve their services. Many utilities particularly in the developing world have not achieved readiness and resiliency that would enable them not only to cope with climate change impacts and ensure continuous water and wastewater services to their customers. And while most of these utilities are currently trying to build and strengthen their operational capacities to respond to climate hazards and risks, many need support and guidance.
This session explores how water utilities can cope with climate change adaptation and improve climate resilience through water operators’ partnerships (WOPs). The session will promote venues where utilities can discuss issues and challenges and share innovation and approaches to increase resilience. The session draws from the experience of successful utilities to assist others develop plans, employ appropriate technologies, and effect good practices as a first step towards resilience.
The 90-minute session will start with a welcome and opening statement by the moderator. There will presentations of 15-20 minutes each to be followed by a moderated panel discussion. The session will end with a summary of discussions and recommendations.
Welcome and session introduction (5 minutes) by GWOPA CoP on Water Resources Resilience and Climate Change
- dr. Adriaan Mels - CoP moderator, regional director at VEI, Netherlands
Climate resilience and stakeholder management: experiences from The Netherlands and Kenya (20 minutes) by WaterWorX
- Ir. Ivar Abas, Vitens, Netherlands
- Ms. Zaituni Rehema, Nakuru Water, Kenya
Climate Smart Utilities by International Water Association (20 minutes)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Jardin,Ruhrverband, Germany
– Dr. Lisa Ehrenfried (virtual), Yarra Valley Water, Australia (online)
- lr. Eva Aarts & lr. Tom G.O. Sanderink, Dunea, Netherlands
Improving Climate Resiliency of Water Utilities through WOPs by WaterLinks (15 minutes)
- Mrs. Yolanda Gomez, Philippines
Panel discussion: Climate Resilience and WOPs with panelists:
1. Maynilad Water Services, Inc., Philippines - Edmundo Perez, II
2. IWA London - Dr. Suresh Kumar Rohilla
3. Ruhrverband, Germany - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Jardin
4. WaterLinks - Yolanda Gomez
5. Vitens, Netherlands - Ir. Ivar Abas
6. Nakuru Water, Kenya - Ms. Zaituni Rehema
Moderated by CoP