Most rural water supply and sanitation problems are related to management and governance. Universal, sustainable and safe water and sanitation service delivery will not be achieved by simply constructing water and sanitation infrastructure and training users how to operate it. Ensuring safe water and sanitation service delivery over time requires attention to the wider enabling environment, management arrangements, and the capacity of the organisations to safely maintain and operate these systems.
Join FESAN, WaterAid, UNAGUAS and AyA in this collaborative session to learn about the broader factors enabling effective management of rural water supply and sanitation systems, and different management models and peer support approaches focused on providing sustainable, affordable and quality services that meet community needs.
This will be an interactive session with opportunities to learn from both the presenters and other attendees in small group break-out sessions.
Moderators: Guillermo Saavedra, FESAN and Jeanne Cole, WaterAid UK
(5 min) Welcome / Introductions / Session Overview (Jeanne Cole, WaterAid UK)
(5 min) Participant reflection on barriers and challenges to sustainable rural water and sanitation service delivery (online survey tool) (Igor Ruz, FESAN)
(30 min) Presentations on management model:
• (8 min) A decision-making resource for selecting management models for piped water supply service delivery for rural and small-town contexts (Vincent Casey and Jeanne Cole, WaterAid UK)
• (8 min) How a sustainable management model solutions the access to drinking water in rural areas. A success story: the tripartite alliance among 600 families, the Hospital Champa Potable Water Cooperative and the Municipality of Paine in Chile (Igor Ruz and Guillermo Saavedra, FESAN)
• (8 min) New management models to guarantee drinking water services in Costa Rica (Peggy Bermudez Aguilar, AyA)
(20 min) Facilitated group break-out sessions (virtual and in person); topics will be determined via an online survey conducted before the Congress
(20 min) Case Study Presentations:
• (8 min) Twenty years of community management benefiting 18,370 people in rural Costa Rica (María Monserrath Bolaños Alfaro, UNAGUAS)
• (8 min) Improving the enabling environment for effective management of rural water and sanitation services by water and sanitation user committees in Godawari Municipality, Nepal (Anand Gautum, WaterAid Nepal and Anita Bohara, Godawari Municipality)
(5 min) Groups share key findings from break-out session in plenary
(5 min) Closing remarks