WOP actors make use of the knowledge products and services produced or co-produced by GWOPA
GWOPA will continue to produce and disseminate WOP guidance based on WOPs principles and good practice drawn from documented cases. Existing guidelines and tools to facilitate the establishment, implementation and monitoring of effective and inclusive partnerships will be expanded and widely shared in WOP initiatives, in different formats and languages. GWOPA will also develop guidelines to help operators to navigate global commitments, including implementation modalities for achieving the SDGs or realizing the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation.
- WOPs documentation, and research – collaborate in the production of research and case studies about WOPs.
- WOPs monitoring – lead the global monitoring, documentation and analysis of the WOPs practice.
- Knowledge and Tools for Effective WOPs – produce and disseminate WOP guidance based on WOPs principles and good practice drawn from documented cases.