The Global WOPs Congress provides a space for Alliance members and partners to share their work and seek synergies.
It brings WOPs practitioners and their partners to the table to discuss about trends and tendencies in WOPs practice as well as wider discussions on the role and importance of capacity development of operators to work towards global goals on water and sanitation.
Utilities, donors, knowledge institutions, labour unions, civil society organizations and public and private water and sanitation operators are all participants in the Global WOPs Congresses. Previous congresses have provided an opportunity to report on trends and tendencies in WOPs practice as well as wider discussions on the role and importance of capacity development of operators to work towards global goals on water and sanitation. Composed of plenary, regional, thematic and parallel session, the congresses provide a space for Alliance members and partners to share their work and seek synergies.
In 2021, GWOPA holds its 4th Global WOPs Congress from 18-29 October, a two-week virtual global gathering with over 30 sessions to spur exchange, learning and collaboration on topics relevant to water and sanitation operators worldwide and jointly inspire actions towards access for all. Register here.
Over 50 partners and organisations join GWOPA as co-convenors, moderators and speakers of the different sessions that will address topics that matter:
#AccessForAll | #ClimateAdaptation | #CircularDevelopment
#ManagingCrises | #AdvancingSanitation | and many more at
- Thematic Sessions
- Water Operators’ Partnerships (WOPs) Sessions
- Regional sessions
- Side events
Discover the whole Programme here.