Resources and Global WOPs Community
Discover useful resources and updates from Global WOPs Community from GWOPA.
Do EU-Know what I know?
The EU-WOP program is more than the sum of its 22 individual WOP projects, thanks in large part to the EU-Know program, funded by the government of the Netherlands. The partnership between GWOPA and IHE Delft has been making it possible to learn from the rich experimentation happening within the EU WOP projects and to ensure learning is shared among the over 50 organizations involved in the programme and with the wider Global Water Operators Partnerships Community.
One of the ways that EU-Know is supporting the EU WOP Programme is through the Global WOPs Community.
Global WOPs Community of Practice
You probably know about the EU-WOP Programme Community of Practice group on the GWOPA workplace platform and that it’s a great place to hear what other EU partnerships are up to, find project updates and guidance and resources, and, of course, share your own stories. But did you know that the Global WOPs community contains over a dozen practice groups, each sharing knowledge on different aspects of utility work? Every group organizes different events, shares resources, and engages in substantive discussion, much of which could interest you! If you haven’t checked out the different communities of practice, here are some that might interest you:
Communities to Explore:
- CoP Urban Sanitation discusses all aspects of sanitation and wastewater concerning utility operations, such as different sanitation systems, business and service models, tariffs, equitable sanitation, etc. CoP Urban Sanitation | Group | Workplace
- CoP Water Distribution connects practitioners involved in water distribution operations, maintenance and optimization (GIS-based hydraulic modelling and non-revenue water reduction) CoP Water Distribution | Group | Workplace
- CoP Asset Management discusses methods and tools to improve utilities’ daily work by finding the balance between performance, costs and risks. CoP Asset Management | Group | Workplace
- CoP Water Production discusses and exchanges information around topics on Water Quality, Water Safety Plans and all other water production and treatment-related items and issues. CoP Water Production | Group | Workplace
- CoP Low-Income Customers is working with water utilities to provide water, sanitation and hygiene with the ultimate goal to leave no one behind. CoP Low Income Customers | Group | Workplace
- CoP Commercial Operations shares experiences and knowledge related to customer subjects such as complaint management, customer insights, quality checks, customer databases, and marketing. COP Commercial Operations | Group | Workplace
- CoP Enabling Environment was created to respond to the direct needs of utilities to optimally function in complex institutional environments, focusing on topics requiring communication and coordination with external stakeholders to serve the interest of utility operators. CoP Enabling Environment | Group | Workplace
- CoP Utility Organization & Strategy focuses on the way utilities can be organized and how to develop strategies, incorporating topics such as change management, Leadership, Human Resources Management, ICT and financial management. CoP Utility Organisation & Strategy | Group | Workplace
- CoP Water Resources Resilience and Climate Change addresses best practices in climate-resilient water resources management from the perspective of a water utility.
CoP Water Resources Resilience and Climate Change | Group | Workplace - CoP Young Water Professionals is created for youth in the water sector and youth ambassadors to be able to learn from each other and share opportunities, ideas, challenges and solutions in order to ensure sustainable access to water and sanitation for all.
CoP Young Water Professionals | Group | Workplace
Joining the community is entirely free but requires you to respect the platform’s core principles. If you are not yet using the community of practice, please click here as GWOPA members, everyone in your organization is invited to join.
Welcome new CoP moderators!
With over 1500 members, the Global WOPs Community fosters collaboration, knowledge exchange, and innovation in water operations partnerships worldwide. GWOPA, together with WaterWorX with whom we have joined forces in the COP management, would like to welcome all our newly appointed moderators in the Global WOPs Community!
Name | Organization | Country |
Golden Manyanga | Luapula Water Supply & Sanitation Company | Zambia |
Carlos Joaquín Negri | Obras Sanitarias MGP Sociedad del Estado | Argentina |
Nabwire Mwebaza Flavia | National Water and Sewerage Corporation | Uganda |
Elorm Noel Kwamivi | Ghana Water Limited & WaterWorX | Ghana |
Faustina Boachie | Ghana Water Ltd (GWL) | Ghana |
Opiyo Geoffrey | Kisumu Water & Sanitation Company Ltd | Kenya |
Christabell Ashiono | Kakamega County Water and Sanitation Company | Kenya |
Mary Simuyu/Nanjala | Kakamega water and sanitation company | Kenya |
Anand Gautam | WaterAid | Nepal |
Patrick Kayizzi | Ministry of Water and Environment; Eastern Umbrella of Water And Sanitation | Uganda |
Caroline Kyomugisha Birimbasa | NWSC | Uganda |
Aboubacar Dialo | SOMAGEP | Mali |
Pieter Schreuder | Evides N.V | The Netherland |
Mawunyo Kwami Kofiloto | Ghana Water Ltd. (GWL) | Ghana |
This represents a significant milestone and addition to our team and Community as we venture forward together! Your insights and energy will play a pivotal role in shaping the vibrant exchange of ideas within our thematic Communities of Practice (CoPs). Let’s extend our full support to them as they settle into their roles and continue to drive positive change within our community.
Together, we can achieve great things and make a real difference in advancing sustainable WOP and WASH good practices worldwide.