GWOPA launches consultation with Water Utilities from MENA region on Water Scarcity
Water stress poses great threat to MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region, which is the most water-scarce region in the world. GWOPA has initiated a regional consultation process with the support of the Department of Energy of Abu Dhabi with the objective of proposing a regional capacity building action plan on water scarcity for Arab utilities through Water Operators’ Partnerships (WOPs).
The development of this action plan is a consultative process which ambitions to bring on board the main regional stakeholders as well as utilities -both potential mentors and mentees: in addition to the regional survey, GWOPA organizes two Expert Group Meetings -one that was held in January 2019 at the World Future Energy Summit, and the second one that will take place at WFES 2020- The outcome of the consultation will be presented at the World Urban Forum 2020 held in Abu Dhabi in February 2020 to potential donors.

For this purpose, GWOPA has developed a questionnaire to consult the utilities in the MENA region* on the theme of water scarcity. The respondent organizations will have the opportunity to be included in GWOPA’s proposal for the potential WOP programme in the region and indicate their interest in participating either as a mentor or a mentee (or both). The outcome of the questionnaire will also help GWOPA identify the main challenges and tailor the proposal according to the needs and priorities of the operators from the region.
To access the online questionnaire, please open the following link
* For the scope of this survey, the MENA region includes: Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, UAE, and Yemen.
Regarding mentoring, operators from the Mediterranean area are encouraged to participate (Spain, France, Italy, Greece…)