Of 30 proposals proceeding to Phase II, approximately 23 can be funded with the current budgets. GWOPA is asking all applicants to trim budgets where possible in order to be able to fund a higher number of projects.
If there is no word count indicated in the phase II form, please use the space you require.
Yes, if you send us the documents in advance we will do our best to provide feedback on their completeness/adequacy.
The documents listed in the Phase II application package are those you must submit.
This is the official document(s) that explains your organization’s tenure, legal status, or functioning in government.
A summary in English suffices at this stage to allow assessment by the legal department.
You are requested to share a benchmarking report or other similar document that presents the most relevant and recent data available on key figures and performance indicators of the operator. If such a document is not produced by the operator, please kindly note it. Please go to question 21.
Yes, these documents can be submitted. Please provide the most suitable and recent documentation available.
In the Logframe template provided, the number of working areas has been reduced by merging areas into fewer, more encompassing ones.
Please select the working area from the dropdown that fits best. If you see that none of the working areas provided covers any of the working areas that you address in your project, please select the category Other.
You will see that for project activities and project outputs, we are asking you to first indicate the working area that each activity and output is related to. Where you have indicated Other, please specify the name of your working area.
To ensure cell automation and not lose formulas, we recommend that the Excel workbook always be saved in the “Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook” format. If this is not helping you, please contact us through this e-mail address: maria.martineznunez@un.org. Please cc’ info@gwopa.org.
There is no limitation for outcomes, outputs, or activities, but please include only those that are necessary and useful. Note that while the indicators will help to define commitments and monitor progress they should be realistic in terms of the effort required to trace all of those indicators and also in regard to accessibility of information.
The capacity and performance of a water operator do not necessarily always correlate, although a strong capacity is a prerequisite for an organisation to demonstrate strong performance over time. While the performance of a water operator informs about service delivery, capacity informs about the ability of an organisation to start delivering that service and sustain it with time. The lack of clarity on how to characterise and measure capacity motivates the use of performance as a proxy for capacity. We argue against this practice, given that the use of performance as a proxy indicator provides potentially misleading indication of how a WOP perform in delivering CD goals. Many ongoing activities that are not necessarily related to the WOP can be influencing on a certain performance indicators (KPI) and not only the WOP. Plus, frequently there is no progress in KPI in the first years of a WOP while multiple positive changes can be observed at organization level.
We argue that performance and capacity should constitute parallel sources of evidence about the effectiveness of WOPs. Performance outcomes in water operators are standard KPIs used broadly in the water sector. Some examples are NRW, collection ratio, No of staff per 1000 connections, others. GWOPA applies a methodology for tracking capacity outcomes that looks into changes at organizational level. An adapted version of Burke and Litwin´ Organizational performance and change and model is applied (1992) and will be explained when projects start.
Please, note that in the Logframe template you are only requested to incorporate:
– At societal level: impact (E.g. Increase access to water services)
– At organizational level: performance indicators (E.g. NRW reduction)
– At project level: working areas addressed by the project (E.g. Production WA, Distribution WA and Customer relationships and billing WA) , activities implemented in each working area (E.g. Development of a water balance) and outputs to be delivered in each working area (E.g. Updated Water balance produced).
The Logframe is not requesting you to include any indicator of capacity outcome. Once projects are selected for the grant funding, an online training will be organized to train all participants on how to use the WOP planning, monitoring and reporting platform. Part of this training focusses on how to plan and monitor capacity outcomes.
The working area WOP project management/programme support is included by default. No specific performance indicators have to be added. There is no need to associate a working area to performance indicators, given that several working areas might be contributing to one KPI (i.e. NRW will involve many working areas to contribute to, such as Distribution, Commercial, etc.).
For activities and outputs, applicants are required to specify the Working Areas that they are associated with. In the specific case of the Working area “WOP project management/programme support”, please make sure you include activities and outputs related to 1) project/partnership management, 2) contribution to knowledge management programmatic activities, and 3) contribution to Communications programmatic activities.
The procurement component, which includes outsourced services, in the budget is less than 25% of total project budget, and no single procurement action exceeds 40,000 USD.
Yes, the reduction can be higher than 10%. Please note that where the new instructions differ from those provided in the original documents, the most recent instruction should prevail.
No, it means that VAT should not be charged on the overall grant request, as this is a cooperation project. VAT on commercially procured purchases and services within the contract is eligible.
Please click in this link to access this information.
Travel should appear on the Travel budget line, even if it is handled by an agency.
Please do your calculation on the basis of likely locations as it is not possible to predict at this point exactly where the events will be organized.
Please include Additional Partner staff time contributions under transfers, even for partners that are not receiving transfers.
You may include all such information at the end of the Phase II Application Form provided. Please clearly label: Additional Information.
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