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 Author: GWOPA, IHE Delft  Categories / Tags: WOP Case Studies, WOP Cases  Date: 2025  Area: Latin America and Caribbean  Language: English, Spanish  Topics: Water Safety Plan  Download

The present report analyses the Water Operators’s Partnership (WOP) between the Empresa Municipal de Saneamiento Básico de Puno Sociedad Anónima (EMSAPUNO S.A.), located in the department of Puno, Peru, and the Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais (COPASA), located in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. In this WOP, EMSAPUNO is the recipient partner or mentee, while COPASA is the mentor utility. The partnership aims to support EMSAPUNO in the development of a Water Safety Plan (WSP) for the city of Puno’s drinking water supply system.
