The Charter of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA), with information on:
1. Establishment and Organization of GWOPA
2. Rationale
3. GWOPA’s Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles
4. GWOPA Organizational Structure
5. Dispute Resolution
6. Privileges and Immunities
7. Indemnity
8. Amending the GWOPA Charter
9. Annex 1: Membership Policy
10. Annex 2: Rules of Procedure of the GWOPA Assembly
11. Annex 3: Rules of Procedure of the GWOPA Steering Committee
12. Annex 4: Terms of Reference of the Integrity Committee
13. Annex 5: Terms of Reference for the Election Committee
14. Annex 6: WOPs Code of Conduct
15. Annex 7: WOP Platforms
Version as of 9 May 2022 The GWOPA Charter is pending endorsement by the upcoming GWOPA Assembly.