Showing 1-10 of 42 Books
Gateway to Collaboration with...
In its 15 years of operations, the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA) has developed a suite of services to...
GWOPA Corporate Documents, Promotional Materials
The European WOP Enablers
Most of the world’s population counts on a public water and sanitation operator for their essential basic services. Their work...
GWOPA Annual Report 2022
This Annual Report reflects the activities and achievements of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance in 2022.
GWOPA Annual Reports , GWOPA Corporate Documents
Policy Brief: Water and...
This Policy Brief provides an overview of the current context and relevant initiatives implemented by water and sanitation operators in...
Briefs, Papers and Briefs, Publications , Research Papers
Policy Brief: Fighting COVID-19...
This Policy Brief provides an overview of the current context and relevant initiatives implemented by water and sanitation operators from...
Briefs, Papers and Briefs, Publications , Research Papers
GWOPA Annual Report 2019
GWOPA Annual Reports , GWOPA Corporate Documents
WOP Factsheet: WAF –...
Partners focused on six priority areas following a dynamic and participatory diagnosis, which resulted in an ambitious one-year work plan....
WOP Cases, WOP Factsheets
Connecting water utilities for...
UN-Habitat founded the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA) in 2009 to strengthen water utilities’ performance globally through not-for-profit peer-support partnerships (WOPs)....
Brochures, Promotional Materials