Progress in EU-WOPs programme
The WOPs under the Flagship European-funded EU-WOP programme are now around halfway through the implementation cycle. A synthesis of the 22 projects‘ achievements in their progress in the first full year of the partnership was well received by the EU DG Intpa, who found the progress encouraging, also noting the valuable synergies with the Dutch-funded EU Know (BEWOP) initiative.
Many activities happened between the mentors and mentees, such as training and field visits to strengthen their infrastructures and operational capacities. During the last quarter of this year, the GWOPA team participated in EU-WOP missions across Zambia, Bangladesh, Tunisia, and Senegal.
Picture: Non-revenue water (NRW) reduction practices cannot only be taught in the classroom! Last week, our colleagues from Office national de l’electricité et de l’eau potable – Branche Electricité (Morocco) visited our colleagues from Sociéte Malienne de Gestion de l’Eau Potable (SOMAGEP-SA) for an NRW Reduction Training. To make the content more tangible, the group visited Kabala’s water production plant. At this plant, SOMAGEP SA uses a remote management system, and the training participants could see water treatment processes in practice. This activity is part of the EU-WOP Programme “Dji’i Tiaman”, a cooperation between SOMAGEP SA, SOMAPEP SA (Mali), ONEE (Morocco) and World Waternet (the Netherlands).
See more EU-WOP activities on EU-WOP Workplace